Wednesday, July 18, 2012

{Sweet Baby Boy}

Welcome to the world!

I enjoyed a morning at the hospital with Momma and Baby Carson!

And of course your favorite Aunt Amanda was there!

And I got to enjoy another quick mini session with Baby Carson. 
4 weeks later!

{I love baby feet}

Thank you Brittany and Andy for letting me spend time with your sweet baby boy!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday's Harvest

Purple Cauliflower

Also harvested this week was two tiny tim tomatoes!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My first harvest

I went out to my garden this evening and my broccoli looked like this.
Maybe it'll be okay?

 Either way, I decided to soak it in some salt water for about 30 minutes, rinse it off and I put it in the fridge and I'll try it out for lunch tomorrow!

wonder what'll come next?